Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Live From the Gaslight Theatre

8:30 p.m.

The original start time for the show, but due to messy people in the previous show, we were detained for a little.

8:35 p.m.

We are able to begin filing into the theatre and as we get to the entrance door we are shown to our seats by a hostess and the waitresses frantically take orders from tables.

8:40 p.m.

The house lights dim and the show begins finally. The show is titled "The Wizard of the Rings," an obvious spoof on "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. The waitress takes my tables order as the actors on stage are the bad guys talking about how they will capture the ring to become powerful.

9:00 p.m.

The farce comes to act two where the good guys form up a group and decide to take the ring to the place that they can destroy it. The actors and actresses seem to take every opportunity to try and make each other laugh on stage.

9:20 p.m.  

Scene three begins with the heroes reaching a cave that they have to get into, once they are get in they encounter the bad guys and have fight amongst themselves while singing a song. With the end of the scene the actors leave the stage.

9:40 p.m. 

They break for the intermission, allowing people to get up and stretch and the waitresses come out and take orders again. In the intermission music is played by the Gaslight band featuring Linda Ackerman.

9:50 p.m.

The second part of the show starts up with scene one of act two. Two of the main characters are wandering through the woods where they encounter a couple of different types of elves. Bad jokes ensue and the actors make one another laugh so hard that they take a few seconds to maintain their composure.

10:12 p.m.

Scene two of act two begins at the base of where the good guys have to destroy the ring. They encounter the bad guys and an all out battle takes place. The good guys win the battle with the assistance of some blue woodland critters.

10:32 p.m.

Scene three of act two is the ending in which the good guys destroy the ring and there was a hilarious break in which the characters sing a rendition of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire." They have an actor come out and read off a list of birthdays, anniversary, people from out of town and they salute people who served or ar serving in the military.

10:40 p.m.

They start up their after show olio act which was titled "Dancing with the Superstars." They had the actors pretend to be famous people and dance the final part of the night away. They had more bad jokes and a couple that could dance well with a couple of lifts.

10:55 p.m.

The show ends and a couple of the actors stand outside the doors to greet and thank people for coming out to the Gaslight Theatre.

"The Wizard of the Rings" runs till November 13 and then they will have their Christmas show.

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