Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fantasy Football

Well my group just had our fantasy football draft on Sunday and I feel it went pretty well. My problem is I drafted Peyton Manning and though when healthy he is a top notch quarterback. My problem is that when I was watching ESPN, they would say occasionally that there is a small possibility that he may be out for the year. Now I know this is all journalistic speculation, but it still worries me that it's even brought up. My back up quarterback is Matt Cassel which wouldn't be bad, if his front line would stop 340 pounders from flattening him like a pancake.Injuries are crucial in fantasy football as there are only 16 weeks of games to play, with the teams only playing one game a week and only four fantasy teams making the playoffs. Well with my worry ranting completed I guess I shall just see how the season plays out and maybe try and make a trade or two. Once again that was just my random thoughts and at some point I'll be back with another.


Jim Prisching/AP

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