After reading chapter 9 in the book "Journalism Next" by Mark Briggs, I have come to one conclusion about the chapter, it is a rundown of how to get your digital journalism organized.
It covers how you can organize all the information that you can come across online as a professional or personal journalist.
With the none stop access to information via the web, it can seem to be a bit overwhelming and I back this as I do feel daunted by what kind of information that the web grants access to.
Briggs uses this quote from Clay Shirky, as he stated during the Web 2.0 Expo in 2008 "There is no such thing as information overload, only filter failure."
To me this one quote pretty much sums up the chapter as the chapter explains techniques to organize your personal and professional digital fed lives.
The book gives you hints like how to organize your emails with using categorized folders and it also tells you about programs that are available to on the web, that are free or ones that you have to pay for.
If you are looking for a way to take control of your digital journalism career whether it be just a casual blogger or professionally, I would recommend Mark Briggs' "Journalism Next," as it contains some helpful information on what to do and where to look for help.
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