Thursday, November 17, 2011

Getting Your Digital Life Organized.

After reading chapter 9 in the book "Journalism Next" by Mark Briggs, I have come to one conclusion about the chapter, it is a rundown of how to get your digital journalism organized.

It covers how you can organize all the information that you can come across online as a professional or personal journalist.

With the none stop access to information via the web, it can seem to be a bit overwhelming and I back this as I do feel daunted by what kind of information that the web grants access to.

Briggs uses this quote from Clay Shirky, as he stated during the Web 2.0 Expo in 2008 "There is no such thing as information overload, only filter failure."

To me this one quote pretty much sums up the chapter as the chapter explains techniques to organize your personal and professional digital fed lives.

The book gives you hints like how to organize your emails with using categorized folders and it also tells you about programs that are available to on the web, that are free or ones that you have to pay for.

If you are looking for a way to take control of your digital journalism career whether it be just a casual blogger or professionally, I would recommend Mark Briggs' "Journalism Next," as it contains some helpful information on what to do and where to look for help.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Shark News!!!

In the last few months the "Cyclops" shark has become a viral hit and some sources conclude it to be real, it's a baby Dusky shark.

The way it was caught is that it was still inside the mother when she was caught. The baby shark was about 22 inches long when it was taken out of it's mother.

Most people believe if the shark was born it wouldn't be able to fend for itself and I concur with this statement as there have been other animals born with cyclopia and have not survived.

No other sharks with this condition have ever been caught outside the womb.

The shark does kind of look like a cartoon character, my wife says it looks like Pleakley from "Lilo and Stitch" and I say it kind of looks like Mike Wazowski from "Monsters Inc."

Pleakley from Disney's "Lilo and Stitch"
My wife's choice
Mike Wazowski from Disney's "Monsters Inc."
My choice

Also in the shark world, off of Oregon, a surfer named Doug Niblack some how managed to surf on top of a Great White shark.

He said that he was about 50 yards off the shore when he felt a bump against his board.
After the bump he noticed that there was a dorsal fin in front of him.

Niblack had said that the shark's back felt rubbery. A fellow surfer, Jake Marks, cofirmed that there was a shark in the water and said that he saw the water churning around a standing Niblack.

Niblack estimates that he was on the shark's back for about three to four seconds.

One thing that I have a problem with this story is they don't say anything about his feet. I would assume that there should be some sort of damage to his feet because of the shark's skin.

A shark's skin is covered in what are pretty much tiny teeth called dentacles and if rubbed the wrong way can cause damage and tear the skin.

There is probably a way could have been on top of the shark without getting injured, but that just seems weird to me.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Conversation With a Tsar...sis.

I'm sitting in a classroom that contains about eight students and one teacher, the teacher is talking about how we are going to interview each other.

I look a my computer screen which has my blog on screen, I just start to stare off wondering who I might be paired with, the background color of my screen shines bright with an ocean blue and I begin to zone out.

A voice comes across the room snapping me out of my daze, "Mylo, you want to pair up?"

It is Ryan Tsarsis, who I work with on the Aztec Press, but have not really mingled with him in this class environment, so I agree to pair up.

We start out just bullshitting about sports as we both know it's a common interest. He is a New York sports fan as is favorite baseball team is the Yankees, his football team is the Jets and his hockey team is the Rangers.

When asked which is his favorite sport, he said, "My passion is the same for hockey and football."

This 21 year old wants to transfer to the University of Arizona next semester and is really hoping to get a job working in the sports field. He is also considering changing his major to computer science because he went onto the ESPN website and noticed that they always seem to be hiring computer tech people.

Another hobby of his is writing, he hopes to be able to write a fictional novel one day that is loosely based on a life experience of his.

His project for this class is a feature on online sports betting. He interviewed a friend of his "Dan" who doesn't want his full name to be known, who is addicted to online betting.

Dan is few years older than Tsarsis and has been betting online since he started college. Tsarsis had an easy time with the interview, although it would run on as Dan wouldn't stop talking about how he worked his system and got into the non-essential details of what he does.

"They all think they know what they are doing, they are passionate about it, but when confronted they become defensive," Tsarsis said as a broad generalization about online gamblers.

At that point the teacher notified us that it was time to finish off the interviews so we could do one last thing before the end of class.

I'm looking forward to reading his feature as it seems to be an interesting topic and I'm curious to see some quotes from Dan.